Listing ID


Institution Equitas small Finance Bank Ltd
Institution Branch Anna Salai
Contact Details:

Contact The Authorized Officer: 8072351769.

Auction Type Sarfaesi Auction
Borrower Name Mrs. Sasi Kala
Asset Category Immovable
Asset Type Land
Asset Details Land measuring 1307 Sq.Ft.
Asset Schedule

Item I: All part and parcel of this land in Erode Registration District Anthiyur SRO Erode District Anthiyur Village Re S.F No 1003/2, (old S.F  No.783/3,784,789), with larger extent an modified into Sevaral House Plots Namely Jai Anjaneya Nagar in Which the Site No. having an Extent of land measuring 1307 Sq.Ft. within the following four  boundaries of :- North by 23 Feet Layout Road on the East West direction South by Site No. 10. East by: Site No.2 West by Remaining Property belonging to Muthusamy & others, Measurement having an Extent of land measuring 1307 Sq.Ft Situated at within the Sub-Registration District of Anthiyur and Registration District of Erode Together with all buildings and structure attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to earth both present and future and all easamentary /  mamool rights annexed thereto .

Item - II: All part and parcel of this land in Erode Registration District, Anthiyur SRO, Erode District Anthiyur Village, Re S.F No. 1003/2. (Old S.F No 783/3,784,789) with larger extent an modified into Sevaral House Plots Namely Jai Anjaneya Nagar in Which the Site No 10  having an Extent of land measuring 1390 Sq.1 within the following four boundaries of North by: Site No. 1. South by 20 Feet Road on the East West Direction East by Remaining property belonging to Yuvarajan, West by: Site No. 9. Measurement: having an extent of land measuring 1390 Sq.ft Situated  at within the Sub-Registration District of Anthiyur and Registration District of Erode. Together with all buildings and structure attached to the earth of permanently fastened to anything attached to earth, both present and future and all sasamentary/mamoolrights annexed thereto.

Asset Address

Registration District of Anthiyur.

Asset Location Anthiyur
City Chennai
Reserve Price
Publication Date October 20th
Auction Date Time November 27th, 2023 at 11:00am
Auction End Date Time November 27th, 2023 at 12:00pm
Application Submission Deadline November 25th, 2023 at 5:00pm
E-Auction Provider Auctiontiger
Documents Available English Sale Notice